God mode:
Enter Uber Taint Joad Durf Kwis as a cheat code.
All powers:
Enter Blank Ugly Pustule Eater as a cheat code.
Enemies explode:
Enter Dodge This Moist Pimp as a cheat code.
Infinite ammo:
Enter Ugly Dark Heated Orange Quaff as a cheat code.
Infinite rage:
Enter Pimp Reap Dark Dark Muse as a cheat code.
Gun experience:
Enter Late Nurture Qweef Super as a cheat code.
Freeze enemies:
Enter Blue Green Purple Imp as a cheat code.
Overload mode:
Enter This Dark Distorted Reality as a cheat code.
Time factor:
Enter Quantum Lament Distorted Doting as a cheat code.
Unlock all combos:
Enter Bone This Curry Vote as a cheat code.
Unlock all guns:
Enter Whiskey Fake Kablow Shoot as a cheat code.
Unlock everything:
Enter Want This Dark Reality Taint Qweef as a cheat code.
Unlock outfits:
Enter Whack Lick Erotic Cunningly as a cheat code.
Carnage points:
Enter Cargo Fire Imp Kak as a cheat code.
All FMV Sequences:
Enter Pension Reap Super Vulgar as a cheat code.
Fill Bloodlust:
Enter Naked Juggy Resistance Pacy as a cheat code.
Level Select:
Enter Anomalies Are Juan Insulted as a cheat code.
Restore Health:
Enter Nurture Happy Pustule Eraser as a cheat code.
Refill Ammo:
Enter Whack This Molested Ninja as a cheat code.
Enter Ardent Hungry Naked Ninja as a cheat code.
Unlimited Health/Rage:
Enter Terminal Reality Super Uber XXX Vacate as a cheat code.
Juggy Mode:
Enter Fake Burst Cunningly Distorted as a cheat code.
Programmer messages:
Enter one of the following codes to view a programmer message.