The idea of the editor is this..
Take whatever **** pistol or rifle, edit all values to 999999, then while in the game ONE SHOT will kill anything.
It's temporary. Basically a foolproof way to give player only super damage ability to one shot anything. Who cares what weapon it is. The idea is to kill things easily. Just use it on the pathetic initial rifle. It will work as if it's the most uber weapon you can use.
I have no intention of going back and finding editor function specific to 15 other weapons, and whatever else they release in the future, adding more code to update on the already insane coding of 50+ injection points. Any REAL update of this game, and it's murder.
The fact we have a trainer at all is a miracle. If you want to kill things with some plasma rifle instead of the generic rifles, then so be it. You'll just have to kill them as the game intended. If you want to kill things quickly, equip a dink pistol if you want and give it 999999 damage and be done with it.
It's a hard line to try and give people everything they want but also look towards updates, anticheats, etc.
I am done with this title unless there is some new feature that warrants me looking into it.
Enjoy the trainer as is, while you can, while it still works. There is no telling whether we will be able to update it forever if some patch comes along and kills it.