PSA: For those who used the trainer to do upgrades too early and got stuck, here is the link to a clean save I've made with no cheat upgrades performed.
The only cheating done was god mode and invisibility to run through the main story quest as quickly as possible to get to this point - No side quests, or anything else was done.
It's right after getting the computer from the wreck and meeting that dude on your ship, so you can choose which planet you want to go to first.
How to use: Extract the attached .zip file somewhere, then move the .save file to this location...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames
There should only be one folder in here with a string of numbers and letters, open it, then put the .save file that you extracted from the .zip into the folder labelled "17903"
Star Wars Outlaws by
Activating this trainer
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Trainer Options
# Player
NumPad1: Unlimited Health
NumPad2: God Mode
NumPad3: Invisible
# Speeder
NumPad4: Unlimited Speeder Health
NumPad5: Fast Speeder Boost Regeneration
NumPad6: Unlimited Speeder Boost Time
# Ship
NumPad7: Unlimited Ship Hull
NumPad8: Unlimited Shields
NumPad9: No Ship Laser Overheat
Multiply: Fast Ship Missle Cooldowns
# Enemies
Add: Super Damage
# Weapon
Separator: No Blaster Overheat
Subtract: Fast Blaster Stun Mode Cooldown
Decimal: Unlimited Grenades and Blaster Ammo
# Nix
Divide: Fast Nix Sense
# Skills
F1: Long Blaster Multi Shot Aim Timer
F2: Fast Full Multi Aim Mode Gauge
# Reputations
F3: Set Reputation on Load
# Gameplay
F4: Game Speed
Editor Options
# Mouse Over Inventory Item
# Player Stats
Current Health
# Reputation
Pyke Syndicate
Crimson Dawn
Hutt Cartel
Ashiga Clan
Works best if you already have it on when you get around enemies.
Super Damage:
This is for when you are ON FOOT and NOT IN SHIP. In fact it may cause issues if you are in the ship. Leave off if flying in space.
Set Reputation on Load:
For Reputation on load, set the value in the trainer for the faction to 0 if you want the game to load normally. Set the value between 1 and 1000 to set the rep to that value when you load. The Reputation for that faction will be permanently set to that value. In this way, you can SAVE and then RESUME GAMES to set the reputation what you would like. Some factions may not show until later in the game.
Pyke Syndicate:
For REPUTATION, use values 0 to 4 or the game may crash.
Ashiga Clan:
May not be present until later in the game.
Mute Hotkeys:
To temporarily disable the Hotkeys, press CTRL-H after trainer is
activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well.
You can also mute specific hotkeys by changing the hotkey you want to mute to 'NONE'.
Get more trainers and updates at
[Edited by moderator FreightTrain54, 8/30/2024 8:32:38 AM]